- you look familiar, but i cant place it where = kayaknya kenal tapi dimana ya?
- never thought i'd see here = ngga nyangka ketemu disini
- what brings you here/what a small world! = tumben kesini
- tell 'em to hang on = suruh mereka nunggu
- im all tied up with work = aku lagi sibuk kerja
- i got a lot of things to do today = lagi sibuk
- its no hurt to try = ngga ada salahnya nyoba
- just lemmi know the problem = kasih tau apa masalahnya
- the 1st step is to build up your confidence = kunci utamanya adalah memberanikan diri
- to listen well & sound good is above all = yang penting bisa mendengar & berbicara dengan baik
- the most important thing is to make a good conversation = yang penting bisa komunikasi dengan baik
- welcome errors = jangan takut salah
- dont beat around the bush = jangan bertele-tele
- cats bite your tongue = kok diem aja sih?
- give it a try = coba aja dulu
- never go never know = ngga nyoba ngga akan bisa
- never be ashamed = ngga usah malu
- i was all thumbs too = dulu aku kaku
- now i got used to = sekarang aku terbiasa
- actions speak louders that words = coba dulu baru ngomong
- sometimes i do monolog = kadang2 aku ngomong sendiri
- sure nuthing is easy for beginners = ngga ada yang gampang bagi pemula
- shut up or i'll kiss your ass = diam atau aku akan mengejarmu
- im really fed up with them all = saya benar2 bosan dengan mereka
- stop over my dead body = langkahi dulu mayatku
- up your fucking ass = terserah kamu saja
- why do you give her in the eyes = kok mandangnya mesra banget
- something fishy right here = kayaknya ada yang mencurigakan
okay that's all i'll give more later! ;)
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